Sep 25, 2016

numerous mitzvos like the seeds of a seedless pomegranate

Israeli agricultural technology is revolutionary, and we find them creating new strains of vegetables and adjusting the details of existing vegetables all the time.

The latest is a "seedless" pomegranate that is both sweeter and more pleasurable to eat.

It is not really seedless, unless you believe the headlines in both NRG and the Jewish Press, but the seeds have been altered and are softer and more edible.

If the headlines were accurate, would you eat them on Rosh Hashana as a siman for a year filled with mitzvos "like the seeds of the pomegranate"? There might become a "hiddur" to find the old fashioned pomegranate. Thankfully these pomegranates have seeds, but they are softer. Problem averted.  

I wonder if they will even sell them locally or just export them all for sale abroad.

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  1. Another chilul H' to water down anything associated with Torah and Mitzvot. The whole idea of a pomegrante representing EY is not only that it is a native of E.Y., but that it represents the 613 mitzvot that we are commanded in the Torah. What other chilul H' are they planning now? G-D help us.

    1. So how do figs (quite a few tiny seeds) and grapes (four or five seeds) and olives and dates (one pit each) represent Israel? I think you're getting a little to free with your accusations there.
