Nov 14, 2016

top of the kidney donors..

Israel Hayom has a report about the state of live kidney donation (altruistic) in Israel. The numbers are supplied by the organization "Matnat Chayyim" led by Rabbi Yeshayahu Haber. Matnat Chayyim's work is encouraging kidney donations. They began concentrating on the Haredi communities, eventually moving to the Dati Leumi communities and have recently started working among secular communities as well.

Based on the numbers, the two cities tied for first place in kidney donation are Bet Shemesh and Jerusalem, with 21 donations (each) between the years 2014 and 2016. Bnei Braq is 3rdplace with 14 donations, followed by Modiin Ilit with 11 and the Beitar with 8.

The bottom of the list is shored up by cities such as Tel Aviv, Rishon Letzion, Eilat and Kfar Saba with 1 donation coming from each. Haber explains that it is understandable even though these are big cities the organization only just started working in them.

There are also many smaller communities - yishuvim in different areas, that relative to their populations have a high rate of donation, even though the numbers are smaller than in the bgger cities. This includes yishuvim such as Karnei Shomron (5), Yitzhar (6), Eli (5)..

kol hakavod to all the donors, wherever they come from, but it is nice to see Bet Shemesh at the top of a good list...

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