Feb 23, 2017

when nobody walked out of an IDF ceremony

I was at an IDF ceremony yesterday and among the various units participating in the ceremony were a couple of Haredi units, and probably other religious units (and definitely religious soldiers) as I saw many kippot among the soldiers.

At the end of the ceremony a recording of Hatikvah was played and the singer was a female.

I just want to point out that nobody walked out of the ceremony - none of the Haredi soldiers or the National Religious soldiers. We heard in the  past in the news about times when they did, and many people get upset about such news reports, so I thought it noteworthy to point out that it probably happens more frequently that when stuff like this happens nobody walks out and nothing noteworthy happens.

One of the boys did tell me that they were surprised as normally the army avoids using female singers when the Haredi units are involved, but nobody was going to walk out because of the mistake.

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  1. If the performance had been live things might have been different.

  2. This is why the Chareidi Rambanim are against Nachal Chareidi. As the Gemara says, when you do something after a while it becomes permissible to you. Its a Chillul Hashem that they didn't leave. And a damn shame.

    1. And this is why people are against Charedim. Because when you treat every Chumra as הלכה לחתחלה you start to think other Jews aren't at all Frum.

  3. +1 to CosmicX. Since this was a recording, there was much more room to mekel, especially in the circumstances and witchunt.

  4. Why not always have a recording?

    1. Because at international sports events, when Israel wins, and the organizer "conveniently" forgets to play haTikvah, the Israeli team knows in advance to bring a CD. (Doesn't help all the time, though. Even when anti Semites "try" to be nice, they're still anti Semites.)

      2. ROY had a whole taped collection of Um Kallum (or similarly named Egyptian female singer) which he personally liked.
