Mar 27, 2017

Day of Good Deeds will get you new tickets on the roads

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the "Day of Good Deeds" and people are encouraged to focus more tomorrow on being kind and doing good things for others than they might be on normal days.

The Israel Police are going to be participating in the day by giving out traffic tickets. No, not the normal tickets that make people mutter and sometimes curse the police for having to pay hundreds or thousands of shekels on fines. These tickets will be for being magnanimous on the roads and being considerate to other drivers. The ticket will look like a regular ticket but will say it is a positive ticket given with love from the police for the Day of Good Deeds.

They expect, or hope, that this will encourage drivers to follow the law and rules of the road through positive reinforcement, the carrot rather than the stick.
source: Radio Kol Hai News

This is very nice but is not much of a carrot. When someone breaks the law on the roads and runs a red light, crosses a bold line, holds his cellphone while driving, he gets a ticket that does not just say "this is a negative ticket given with disappointment by the Police". They give you a fine, often a large one, along with "points" on your driving record that eventually lead to more punishments such as having your license revoked or having to take additional driving lessons or whatnot.

If they really want to encourage the good deeds on the road and make a carrot that will do something positive, maybe they should give out money with the positive tickets. For letting someone merge in front of you you get a positive ticket worth 150nis. For not honking ten times at the guy who slightly slowed down ahead of you you'll get a positive ticket worth 75nis. For pulling over to the side to allow an ambulance t pass you'll get a positive ticket worth 250nis. and the like. That is something drivers will really appreciate and be encouraged by.


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  1. Agree. Will it really be a positive thing if a cop pulls you over to tell you how they liked your lane change?
    There does not seem to be enough traffic cops on the streets and people get lax and take advantage by doing lots of shtick like cutting in line, driving at night only LEDS ans without headlights, turning from the second lane, parking on the wrong side of the street, kids no seatbelted, etc...

  2. If I'm going to get pulled over and freaked out just so a cop can compliment my considerate driving while my kids are fighting and my baby is screaming and someone has to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW, no thanks! Please!

    1. Yes, that was the reaction when cops started doing this in the US.

  3. In Canada (Ontario), to drive a motor boat you need a license and at least one life jacket per person. Police regularly pull people over to do spot checks, and give out free slurpy coupons for everyone if you pass :)
