Apr 6, 2017

new category of kashrut

"Normal Kosher" - the new category in kashrut....

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  1. Don't read too much into it. It is just a funny translation .
    It means it is rabbanut and not mehadrin

  2. It has two badatzim, and is still not mehadrin, only normal?

  3. Actually, it is a mistranslation of Pareve.

  4. isn't כשרות רגילה a normal expression in Hebrew to show that something has "only" regular Rabbanut, but is not Mehadrin. Although in this case there are 2 Bedatzim on the package (but not for Pessach), so my best guess is that they are trying to say that during Pessach it is only considered כשרות רגילה and not Mehadrin.

    1. Badatz requires extra $$ for pesach. And prints only kosher for that year. (American hashgachot also require extra $; one client once told me it was $5,000.00; the same mashgiach, the same special ingredients.)

    2. Badatz requires extra $$ for pesach. And prints only kosher for that year. (American hashgachot also require extra $; one client once told me it was $5,000.00; the same mashgiach, the same special ingredients.)

    3. I would imagine the price depends on many factors, including size of the factory, type of food production, and much more..

    4. US hechsherim usually require a Mashgiach Temidi for Peach - that's the reason for the extra cost. I used to do that job when I was in Yeshiva.

    5. Anon 10:31PM:

      There was a tmidi anyway. Simple miscommunication. The manufacturer was ready to pay the extra fee, but it was too late, the product already labelled for year round use.
