Jul 24, 2017

Reform protest male-only conference

Kikar has a report about a conference to be held for [male] directors of Haredi organizations and says that the Reform leaders are protesting the conference and demanding that women be allowed to participate. According to their demands, the organization putting on the conference will have to change their plans and also advertise from scratch specifically that women are invited to attend.

The organizers say this is a private affair and they put on similar conferences for the general public to which all are invited, including women and anybody else.

This fighting won't end any time soon. The Reform lost, so far, at the Kotel with the arrangement being cancelled, so they have opened up new tactics and targets. Eventually they will even petition to stop discrimination in shuls and remove mechitzas, and try to force yeshivas to allow entry to women. Anything in Haredi society where men and women are kept separate will soon become a target, especially, but not only, if they receive State funding for that event or institution.

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1 comment:

  1. I understand that the Reform, being generally Leftist, can't see others behaving differently and leave them alone. Thought police first, religious second. Or 23rd. However, are there any Haredi organizations with female directors which will be represented at this conference? It's seems more ridiculous to demand that women who don't exist (directors of organizations) be represented anywhere.
