Aug 20, 2017

Interesting Psak: throw them out of the neighborhood

The fight between the factions in the Litvishe Haredi world - the Peleg Yerushalmi led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach and the general litvishe Haredim under the Degel banner led by Rav Shteinman -  has reached new levels...

The Jerusalem neighborhood French Hill has gone from being a largely secular neighbor with a relatively small religious community to being more and more mixed as Haredi couples and families move in and decide to take up residence there.

Besides for the neighborhood being mixed, the Haredi community there is mixed as well - a mixture of Sephardic Shas voters along with some Chabad families and a mixture of both factions of the Haredi Litvishe - Degel and Peleg - families.

Besides for the general power struggles and the fighting over limited resources in a mixed neighborhood, there is also an internal power struggle among the Haredi factions. Cutting to the chase - the Peleg people and the Degel people are fighting and supposedly the Peleg people are even working to convince the secular residents to not support granting of resources to the Degel community and making accusations of connections to the Reform movement and whatnot.

To that end, the rav of the Haredi community went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky to ask how to proceed. Rav Chaim Kanievsky's answer was, supposedly, to throw them out of the neighborhood and give them their own, separate, neighborhood.
source: Kikar

Obviously this is a one-sided psak and not a decision of a beis din, as Rav Chaim Kanievsky did not wait to hear the other side of the story as a beis din is supposed to. Clearly he is also relying on the history of the fighting in general between the factions and not just on the local issue, as he considers the Peleg people to automatically be wrong and against daas torah.

All that being said... how do they plan to throw the Peleg people out of the neighborhood? What exactly are they going to offer them and how will they split the neighborhood or offer them a spot somewhere else in a different neighborhood? How does that work?

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