Aug 22, 2017

Israelis: What do you think of Karaite Jews? (video)

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  1. The Karaim disconnected themselves from the Jewish people two millenia ago. By not accepting the Oral Torah which was given to us at Sinai together with the Written Law, they have disconnected their souls from the Jewish people. By not accepting the Whole Torah, it can be compared to a body without a soul. They were the zealots and offshoots of our people and thought they had the right to change Torah, not too different than the Reform Jews, Open Orthodoxy, etc., etc. May they have the seichel to return to the Truth.

  2. A rav I know (in Jerusalem) has a handyman, originally from Russia, who's a Karaite. (There aren't many left, but they are out there, and a lot came over with the Russian aliyah.) Once the guy was telling the rav about how his son was turning bar mitzvah in a month and they had just had the hanachat tefillin at the Kotel. "But Karaites don't wear tefillin!" the rav said. "Oh, for me it's more a cultural pride thing. I follow Torah Shebeal Peh." Apparently a lot if not most of them, upon making aliyah, sort of meld into Israeli society, which means that if and to the extent they're observant, they do whatever everyone else does. (Ethiopians are becoming the same.) Marriage might be a problem, but the easy solution is to marry with a Sephardi rav, as the Mechaber says you can marry a Karaite even though the Rema says you can't.
