Oct 26, 2017

Divorce over hot peppers

Sort of, but not really. The divorce was not over hot peppers, but over violence, Th ehot peppers were just one method of the violence, and perhaps the final blow.

According to Behadrei, a wife filed, and was granted, for divorce. The husband requested the demand be rejected and they sent to Shlom Bayit counseling, but she insisted on divorce and the beis din ruled in her favor.

According to the report, husband acted violently with the kids, regularly, but not with wife. At some point she decided she couldn't take it any longer. She refers to a time where the husband forced her to get involved and participate in the violence. He had her put Yemenite schug, very hot pasty condiment made from mashed hot peppers, into their mouths as a punishment.

The beis din decided to obligate husband to grant wife a divorce, in light of his behavior and how it caused her to despise him. Husband pained her by his actions and the children as well.

Parents used to put soap in a kids mouth, usually if the kid was caught telling lies or saying swear-words. If not soap, maybe pepper or mustard. Schug seems much worse, especially if this couple is ahskenazi and not used to the spicier foods of the sefardi and yemenite menus. are we just less open to abuse now and we used to be more accepting of it or is there a difference in the actual act that makes schug abusive and soap not? Society is obviously more rejecting of abuse today than it used to be

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