Nov 13, 2017

Rav Avraham Yosef plea arrangement finalized and approved

The courts approved the plea bargain arrangement in the case of Rav Avraham Yosef, finalizing today as another sad day in Israel in which  a rabbi gets convicted for a crime.

Rav Avraham, Chief Rabbi of Holon and son of Rav Ovadia zt"l, was convicted for breach of trust. As city rabbi he made constituents coming to him looking for a mehadrin hechsher for a restaurant under their ownership to go to the Badatz Beit Yosef owned and controlled by the Yosef family rather than grant the mehadrin hechsher via the Rabbanut.

According to the plea bargain, Rav Yosef agreed to immediately resign from his position as chief rabbi of Holon and to suspend himself from his position on the Rabbanut Rabbinic Council. Rav Yosef cannot put himself up for any public position for the coming 7 years. As well he gets a 5 months suspended sentence and has to pay a 75,000nis  fine.

His halacha show on Radio Kol Chai was always great. I wonder if they will let him continue in that role or if they will remove him. Considering that it is  a Shas-controlled radio station, they do not really believe convictions are a disgrace, so they might let him continue...

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1 comment:

  1. Once again, Shas is shown to be corrupt at the root. I know this wasn't related to Shas directly, but we all know which family controls Shas, and who it was that reinstated a convicted Rasha.
