Nov 15, 2017

Tzniyus problems in Lakewood

If you've got a problem with other people's level of tzniyus, when you complain about at least tell us what the problem,in your eyes, actually is...

This reader-submitted complaint on The Lakewood Scoop is rich but ambiguous. She won't let her son go to the grocery store to do the shopping because of the tzniyus problems even in Lakewood, but she doesn't say what the problems are. Are they long sheitels? Is it tight clothing? Skirts that are too short? Are some women not wearing tights with the appropriate level of denier? Is it something more ostentatious like the cars or the brand name clothing and heavy bling?

I am not asking for pictures, but at least tell us what the problem is.

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  1. The only "problem" with Tzniyus is that people think that other people's Tzniyus is their problem.

  2. I'm not familiar with Lakewood shopping, but I do know that the magazines in the checkout lines at our local used to make my son so embarrassed that he asked to be given a job other than supermarket runs.
