Dec 28, 2017

Israeli TV Channel 2 Profiles Charedim in New York - Part 3 (video)

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  1. Ive watched so far the 3 series of Charedim in New York and the title is completely incorrect, this documentary is about Chassidim in NY and Bklyn. Main focus has been on Boro Park, Kiryat Yoel, Williamsburg and BH as an employer. This spells "Chassidim in New York". There have been zero contact or interviews with Charedim who live in Flatbush, Kensington, Marine Park, Manhattan, Midwood and Sheepshead Bay. There are large segments of professional Charedim working in fields of law, medicine, accounting and finance plus young adults, male and female who are attending academic programs. No focus of working women and those who exercise, bike ride, involved in Chesed programs and run large and successful companies.

    The kollels and batei medreshim of Ashkenaz Charedim have not been touched by this documentary. In reality it is the World of Chassidim in Bklyn and surrounding areas.

  2. Ive watched so far the 3 series of Charedim in New York and the title is completely incorrect, this documentary is about Chassidim in NY and Bklyn. Main focus has been on Boro Park, Kiryat Yoel, Williamsburg and BH as an employer. This spells "Chassidim in New York". There have been zero contact or interviews with Charedim who live in Flatbush, Kensington, Marine Park, Manhattan, Midwood and Sheepshead Bay. There are large segments of professional Charedim working in fields of law, medicine, accounting and finance plus young adults, male and female who are attending academic programs. No focus of working women and those who exercise, bike ride, involved in Chesed programs and run large and successful companies.

    The kollels and batei medreshim of Ashkenaz Charedim have not been touched by this documentary. In reality it is the World of Chassidim in Bklyn and surrounding areas.
