Apr 30, 2018

Quote of the Day

If there would be a concert of some singer every year, already a long time ago a 3-lane road in each direction would have been paved to the area. But when we are talking about a yahrtzeit celebration, this is how it looks. I want to advance this issue and as fast as possible.

  -- MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ), about the issues with the limited transportation available to Meron for Lag b'Omer and the Rashbi's yahrtzeit.

Gafni might be somewhat right (new roads have been paved, but I am sure there are also physical limitations considering the mountains and topographical specifics of the area, but maybe more can be done in that regard) but what's the point of screaming about it now, 3 days before Lag b'Omer? does he expect to scare the government into paving a new wide road this week and have it ready in time? Where was he 6 months ago?

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  1. A concert venue is typically an economic gain. The avodah zarah taking place on Lag BaOmer is an economic loss.

    1. Your choice of words about a minhag spoken about by many previous gedoilim and seforim is interesting to say the least...

  2. He's got it backward - concerts are usually held in places accessible by three-lane highways.
