Jul 18, 2018

Christians apologizing for historic Tisha bAv tragedies

Tisha bAv comes out this year on Shabbos and will therefore be commemorated on Sunday. On Tisha bAv we commemorate a number of events in Jewish history that were tragic, and worse, for the Jewish people.

The five main calamities that we commemorate on Tisha bAv are:
1. the spies sent in to Israel that came back with a negative report and tried to dissuade the people from entering the Land. Tradition tells us that this happened on Tisha bAv.
2. The First Temple was destroyed
3. The Second Temple was destroyed
4. Beitar was destroyed during the time of the Bar Kochba revolt against the ROmans, with a massive amount of deaths
5. Turnus Rufus plowed over the Temple Mount

Over the years, many other tragic events happened on tisha bAv as well.

Interestingly, a group of Christian leaders just met with the Speaker of the Knesset, along with some other, to apologize, or repent, for a long list of hundreds of horrific incidents throughout history that happened on Tisha bAv - because of Christians.
source: Jerusalem Channel, Root Source

I don't know who has the power or ability to accept an apology, and to forgive, for so many events throughout history, but it is interesting to see the initiative of these leaders trying to do something to sort of turn back the clock, as impossible as that might be.

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1 comment:

  1. This is pure טובל ושרץ בידו. They think that their entire sin was their physical threat to Jews, completely ignoring their spiritual threat.

    If they really want to atone for their sins, they would need to do the following - in this order:

    1) Commit to leaving Jews alone. No proselytizing, living in the Land of Israel as a "friend of the Jews", or considering themselves a branch of the Jewish people.
    2) Remove their belief in their man-god and become Noahides.
    3) Help support Jewish schools, Yeshivot and Kollelim.
