Jul 23, 2018

what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine

Remember how just a couple of weeks ago representatives from the City of Bnei Braq were complaining about how the city of Givat Shmuel was closing off its parks to residents of Bnei Braq? They even compared the leadership of Givat Shmuel to Nazis...

It turns out, though I had forgotten, 4 years ago the same thing happened. Givat Shmuel built a new Sportek park and prevented residents of other cities, i.e. specifically Haredim from nearby Bnei Braq, from using it. I would also point out that my solution and thoughts as I wrote them four years ago was nearly identical to the practical solution and thoughts I came up with a couple of weeks ago. At least I am consistent, even if wrong...

Back to the point of this post...

It turns out, according to a discovery reported in Kikar, Bnei Braq has built a new park with a petting zoo. You must get tickets to enter, and when you call to get tickets, you can only get them if your teudat zehut number is identified as being one of a resident of Bnei Braq. Residents of Givat Shmuel and other cities who have called were told they could not be granted entry.

I just love the irony of the leadership of Bnei Braq complaining about another city not allowing visitors from Bnei Braq into its park, while Bnei Braq does precisely the same thing to visitors from other cities.

While everyone seems to have parks at home, they also seem to want to go see other parks. And everyone just wants to keep their own parks to themselves... As it says in Pirkei Avos (5:10),  שלי שלי ושלך שלי, רשע - One who says what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine is wicked. I think any of the other 3 categories mentioned in the Mishna are better than being a wicked person, but specifically one who says what's mine is yours and what's yours is yours is a chassid. Both parties should work more towards being magnanimous in offering its parks to be open to all, and not demanding anything of the other.

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