Aug 27, 2018

Arab MKs should be declared treasonous

The Arab MKs should be deemed traitors and tried for treason.

I have no problem with them fighting for their communities. I have no problem with them trying to work so that the Arab communities in Israel will have a better standard of living, will get whatever is coming to them as citizens of the State of Israel, so that their interests can be advanced. They live here, they are citizens, and they have representation in Knesset to do just that.

Fighting for the rights and interests of your citizens is one thing. Fighting for the enemy and for foreign interests is another.

With the Arab MKs petitioning the UN to work against Israel in favor of the Palestinians and to condemn Israel for a law passed by the elected government, that is treasonous and working against the State they are members of. I would have no problem with them working within the Knesset to abolish the law or to make changes in the law or anything as part of the democratic process, but calling in foreign powers to act against your own State is beyond the pale.

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  1. Guess this is what you get when you make the fifth column 'citizens' of the Jewish state. They have been at war with the Jews from the start and have never ceased. Of course, they are treasonous, but nothing is done about it. Nothing new here.

  2. I didn't know there were any Rabas in the K'nesset. :)

  3. Don't members of the Knesset have to take some sort of oath before being seated?

    1. If so, that's how to remove them under current law, of course.
