Oct 21, 2018

Jordan not renewing lease of land to Israel

there are some dramatic headlines in the news about Jordan canceling a couple of clauses in the peace agreement contract with Israel.

I saw the Hebrew headlines and did not really understand the issue, but hoped that if Jordan is unilaterally canceling some of the clauses Israel would respond in kind.

I looked on the main English news sites and did not find an article about this until I found one on Arutz 7. It turns out from the article that the cancellation of the clauses are actually part of the agreement.

According to Arutz7, Israel gave some farmland in the Jordan valley and Naharayim areas to Jordan as part of the peace agreement. Jordan agreed to lease the land to Israel for 25 years so Israeli farmers could continue working that land. The agreement allowed either side to back out of the lease, giving one years notice. Now, 24 years later, with one year left on the lease, Jordan has informed Israel that it will not be renewing the lease in a year from now.

I don't know what their reasons are, and it does not really matter, even if it is a shame, and even if the farmers would love to continue the lease (which I do not know to be true or false). The agreement gives them the right to decide not to renew the lease. Basically, the headlines are dramatic, but this is what Israel originally agreed to.

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