Oct 24, 2018

new Rabbanut logo is better late than never

Most kashrut organizations have an easily recognizable and identifiable logo printed onto the label of the food product. The benefit is obvious, as the kosher consumer is able to quickly and easily spot the hechsher and decide whether or not to buy the product (based on the hechsher, obviously there are other considerations as well).

The Rabbanut, for reasons unknown [to me] has, until now, never used a logo for their hechsher and only put the words into print on the label, often near the list of ingredients, stating the product is under the certification of the Rabbanut of whatever city headed by whatever rabbi.

Sometimes, oftentimes, the Rabbanut hechsher has been difficult to find. Sometimes the text on the label is printed very small, or there is a lot of flowing text and it just blends in, and the kosher consumer has a difficult time finding the information. Some Rabbanuts have used logos, but there was never any uniformity, so even with the logo it was often difficult for the kosher consumer to figure out who the certifying agency is.

To that end, the Rabbanut has announced that it will now start using a new logo for its kashrut certification and this logo will be printed on labels and it will be across the board for all the various Rabbanuts from different cities.
source: Maariv

Better late than never.

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  1. nice and simple, just perfect

  2. RABBANUT HECHSHER IS TOTALLY WORTHLESS. It is the laughing stock of the world. The Rabbanut is still under investigation by the Lahav 333 Israel's FBI for cases involving bribery. The Rabbanut is a mafia.
