Oct 29, 2018

Proposed Law: 1000nis fine for not wearing helmet on electric bike

Watch out and ride your electric bikes safely. Specifically, wear your helmet, in addition to other safety precautions.

Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz has proposed a law that will require all riders of electric bikes to wear safety helmets while riding. This law will apply to anyone, of any age, riding an electric bike, on any type of road or path at any time. The law will levy a 1000nis fine on a person riding with no helmet.

The proposal passed its first reading today in Knesset and will  now go to committee to be prepared for final passage.

The current law requires the wearing of helmets only when riding on intercity roads. On city roads it requires helmets for riders over the age of 18. And the fine for not wearing a helmet when required is 250nis.
source: JDN

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1 comment:

  1. I would prefer if the Knesset would just ban the electric bicycles altogether. I walk home from shule in the morning, and the sidewalk is filled with kids going to school, weaving in and out while riding at excessive speeds. There are often two kids per bike. I can't imagine the police will be patrolling the sidewalks to give fines.
