Oct 28, 2018

The worst of Haredi elections

A lot can be said, and a lot has been said, about the lack of respect and civil dialogue between political parties and their supporters, especially among (but not limited to) the Haredi parties. Anybody who thinks differently, supporting a different party or different faction, is evil, does not listen to daas torah, is bad, their signs must be torn down, their property must be defaced, sometimes their supporters must even be treated with violence.

The worst of it though, and I think I said this last time around as well, is that people treat the elections like a holy war to the point that young adults and kids think they have the right to treat their elders who are political opponents, even rabbonim and respectable community figures, with tremendous disrespect.

For example, Rav Menachem Carmel was just attacked, physically, in Bnei Braq by yeshiva bochurim. He needed medical attention after the attack. I dont know this guy personally and have no affiliation with him, but I do not know how young bochurim, anybody really but especially young bochurim, feel they have the right to physically attack, or even just scream at, an older adult well into his 60s.

This political holy war has trained our youth to be tremendously disrespectful, in addition to the general violence.

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  1. I haven't seen any such stories about chiloni candidates, nor their supporters. Who has the moral high ground in this county again?

  2. Dog bites man is not a story. Man bites dog is a story. Immoral Chilonim is not a story.

    1. You must have a great filter if you think that immoral Charedim are news in Israel.
