Oct 14, 2018

younger kids can take theory test to make electric bikes safer

The government has been trying to find ways to deal with the danger of electric bikes, especially of kids (though not just) riding electric bikes dangerously and often in ways that are illegal.

The government is working on passing a bunch of regulations for the riding of electric bikes. In the meantime, Minister of Transportation has come up with a novel idea that does not need passage of law or any government vote. Katz has ordered his ministry to lower the minimum age for taking the theory test, the first step towards getting a drivers license, from 16 years and 3 months of age to 15.5 years.

Katz figures that because one can only start riding electric bikes, legally, from the age of 16, having them studying for and taking the theory test of general road safety will give these young men and women a lot of important knowledge about safety before they begin riding electric bikes.
source: Kol Hai News and Haredim10

It doesn't sound like a bad idea. It sounds logical even. It seems like this would cause these kids to start their driving lessons a bit younger, which is also fine... The biggest problem with it, that I can see, is that kids don't wait until 16 before riding the electric bikes. I regularly see kids much younger than 16 riding them. Without the enforcement of all the other rules, this is not going to really do much.

It does seem a bit funny to move everything younger in order to try to make things safer. It seems logic would dictate making the age older so the kids are more mature...

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