Mar 4, 2019

boycotting chilul shabbos shops in Tiberias

According to Actualic, the Haredi community of Tiberias has come up with a plan to oppose the increased public chilul shabbos in Tiberias that has been encouraged by the mayor, Ron Kubi, especially the restaurants.

The plan is to run a boycott against shops and restaurants that will open on Shabbos. Haredi leadership in town will map out all the businesses around Tiberias and will detail all the shops that open on Shabbos. Haredi residents will be encouraged to go into the shops listed and ask them if they are open on Shabbos. If the shopkeep answers that it is, the potential customer will leave the shop.

Naftali Terbalasi, one of the people behind the campaign, said that anyone who thinks the Haredi community does not shop in town and does not support the local restaurants will soon learn the Haredi purchasing power. Who else comes to vacation here during Pesach vacation? In another month, the Haredi community will come here in droves to vacation in Tiberias and the environs, and we will show the local businesses that they are going to lose a lot of money for their chilul shabbos..

This might work, if they can keep it up and get the traveling/vacationing Haredim to participate. However, it can only work with shops such as supermarkets, kiosks, gift shops and other such stores. With restaurants, which seems to be the focus of Kubi's efforts, most of the relevant restaurants, with perhaps a few exceptions, would not be patronized anyway by the Haredi community. First of all, there are not that many mehadrin restaurants in Tiberias. Second, almost all the restaurants switching over to be open on Shabbos would not be mehadrin, so the Haredi community would not patronize those places regardless. Third, if they are mechalel shabbos and stay open, they will lose the hechsher entirely, even with just a Rabbanut hechsher, and, again, would anyway not be patronized by the boycotters from the Haredi community.

If it is even possible for this to work to encourage shops to remain closed on Shabbos, they are going to have to be rock solid as a cohesive group united in their efforts.

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