Mar 10, 2019

campaigning on Rav Ovadia

Shas is mainly featuring two figures in its election campaign ads - Benjamin Netanyahu and Rav Ovadia Yosef. I am not even sure which one of the two takes a backseat to the other, as both are featured very prominently and in most of the ads.

I am finding the Rav Ovadia inclusion (at the level it is at) very interesting. Rav Ovadia Yosef died 6 years ago. Yet he still is the main, or one of the main figures in the Shas campaign ads. Shas has had a new leader since then, yet he plays a small, almost negligible, role in this, little beyond the posek/adviser behind the scenes. Other prominent Shas figures play little to no role. The accomplishments of Shas play nothing more than a small role in the campaign, as do their plans for the future.

Is the memory of Rav Ovadia still so strong in the people's minds that using his image is what will capture the voters? I guess we'll find out.

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1 comment:

  1. Good, ol' Saint Ovadia. I'm surprised we don't read of miracle stories attributed to his divine intervention.
