Mar 13, 2019

Interesting Psak: eating dairy after meat

An avreich in Bnei Braq asked Rav Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq, an interesting question about eating dairy after meat.

The avreich explained that his wife does things very slowly. Often he comes home for the lunch break after morning kollel and it takes her a very long time to make him his lunch, while he is extremely hungry. He says, today on the way home he was very hungry so he stopped in a meat restaurant to get something to eat.

Sure enough he gets home and his wife surprises him saying that lunch is ready for him! She surprised him witha hot plate of his favorite cheese blintzes!

This is called Murphy's Law. The one day she makes him lunch on time, and his favorite food, he can't eat it because he is fleishige!

Now he has a dilemma - what to do? he can't eat the dairy blintzes because he just ate meat, but if he tells her he ate meat on the way home, she'll get upset at him and it will turn into an extended fight! What to do? He asked Rav Zilbershtein if for shalom bayis he would be allowed to eat the dairy meal even though he had just eaten meat.

Rav Zilbershtein responded that he is not allowed to eat the dairy blintzes after meat. The only thing chazal allowed for shalom bayis is lying - they did not give permission to violate any other prohibition. So, he cannot eat the blintzes but he can lie for peace - he can tell her that he had eaten meat at a pidyon haben, that in reality did not happen, before he came home.
source: Kikar

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