Mar 6, 2019

Interesting Psak: matching campaigns or local needy?

As I have said before, I am not a big fan of these tzedaka "matching" campaigns that are so popular right now. I think they are largely a low-level scam designed to pressure/encourage people to give when they might otherwise not, to take advantage of the matching donations (which are likely fake or to be given anyway) - though I am confident that there are some organizations that are running real matching campaigns as well.

Despite my misgivings, these matching campaigns are super popular right now and the calls, emails and online posts for donations to this or that organizations matching campaign just keep coming in..

Regardless of that, a group of avreichim went to Rav Dov Landau, Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Braq, and asked him if it is better to give one's tzedaka to one of these matching campaigns because it effects more tzedaka money - when I give 100nis it becomes a donation to tzedaka of 200nis including the matching donation, or is it better to give one's tzedaka to local organizations that help the local needy which has the benefit of giving to your local poor, but your 100nis donation  is just 100nis? Which is better?

Rav Landau responded that giving to your local needy is more important than to the matching campaigns.
source: Haredim10

I guess if someone would put together a matching campaign for the local needy that would be the best of both worlds!

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