Mar 4, 2019

Quote of the Day

It is not right. It is the result of the way the party list of Blue and White was compiled in one night, it was a technical connecting of the parties.... Orna Barbivai is sitting here, General Orna Banibavai - Orna, stand up so everyone can say hello...Orna does not want to stand up. Do you see? There are only a few women, and even they are not disciplined. Do you understand? I told her to stand up and she does not stand up!

  -- Mk Yair Lapid (Kachol Lavan)

Lapid said this after he was asked why so few women are placed in influential positions in the new party he is a part of.

If you watch the video, Lapid clearly said this as a joke, not seriously. That being said, considering his position and what he and his party are running for, it was an extremely stupid joke to try to make.. Lapid has since apologized to all women who were hurt by what he said, explaining that it was just an unsuccessful joke..

He is going to have to do better than that if he wants to help his party succeed. It is good to have a sense of humor, but it is never good to use that sense of humor to make fun of other people, especially other people that you need. Make fun of yourself, not others. Politicians get skewered and can lose an entire career over a wrongly worded joke... In his previous party, Yesh Atid, Lapid had a larger contingent of women in the party and in higher positions. He is already under attack for Kachol Lavan having far fewer, and for having placed them further down the list - joking about them is not going to endear him, to put it mildly, to the large sector he is trying to draw in...

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