Mar 6, 2019

Quote of the Day

Today I heard an interview on the radio in which Avigdor Lieberman said that Yisrael Beyteynu will request the Ministry of Interior after the elections. First of all, I am happy that he is willing to forgo the Defense Ministry for the Interior Ministry - clearly the Ministry of Interior is very important. But what really bothered them was that Shas holds the Ministry of Interior, because of our activities in the Ministry of Interior. According to them the Ministry of Interior does a DNA check on immigrants from the former Soviet Union, and that we make it difficult for potential immigrants from there to immigrate to Israel.
I admit it. There is a Law of Return in Israel. Unfortunately it has allowed masses of immigrants from the Soviet Union who are not halachically Jews to immigrate to Israel and they are here now. We are fulfilling our duties in the best possible way to check and ensure that only those really qualifying can immigrate..

  -- Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri

that DNA thing threw everyone into a tizzy.. the reactions were sharp and fast in coming...

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  1. Agree totally with Aryeh Deri on this matter. B'H, they are checking the DNA of the immigrants. G-D knows what a mish mash there is already worldwide with Jewry. Lieberman has been the worst when it comes to the Russian 'jews' who have immigrated, not giving a hoot if he/she is a Jew or not. Just high numbers of immigrants matter to him and forgets we are talking about the Land of Israel where it should be of extreme importance.

    1. Because in Deri's world, the children of Gerim aren't Jewish.

  2. I don't think DNA can prove Jewishness but might prove non-Jewishness. Would have to check the mitochondrial DNA which comes from the mother.

  3. I am not even sure what the relevance of DNA is. The Law of Return does not require anyone t be halachically Jewish. If one of a persons grandparents was Jewish that person qualifies under the law of return, as does someone who is married to a Jew. I am not even sure what they are testing for with these dna tests.
    and that is without even discussing whether dna has any halachic validity
