Mar 7, 2019

Quote of the Day

There is nothing more vulgar that what is being done to Litzman. Leifer is not a Gerrer chassid, they simply turned to him for help, and he helped. His telephone is open to all citizens. Have we become Sodom?

  -- Jerusalem City Councilman Yossi Deutsch

If the allegations against Litzman end up being proven as true, perhaps we have become Sodom.

Again, nobody is upset at Litzman, or investigating him, for helping citizens who turn to him for help. Litzman is being accused of, and investigated for, pressuring doctors to falsify medical records to help an accused extremely violent sexual predator avoid extradition to pay for her crimes (if found guilty). he is welcome to continue helping all citizens with their problems, as well as he possibly can, just not to be done in an illegal way. I hope Litzman is found innocent because I hope he had the seichel to not do what they say he did, but all his peers should stop acting as if he is being investigated simply for helping people who needed help

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  1. Litzman is being trashed by the secular media because....that's what the secular media does. the substance (or lack thereof) of the allegations against him are not really relevant.
    As for the substance of your post, you are wrong for 2 reasons:
    1. it is for bidden for a jew to turn over a fellow jew to none jews in order for them to harm/punish the jew. this is true even if the accused jew is actually guilty of the alleged crime. the only heter for turning over a jew is in special circumstances where the accused presents a danger to others at the current time. since no one is claiming that the accused is currently a endangering anyone else, even if she committed the most dastardly deeds in the past, it is forbidden to turn her over. therefore every torah observant jew is required to do whatever they can to prevent her deportation, however distasteful they may find it. although this is primarily a religious obligation, it should be a fundamental zionist value as well. if the state has evidence that she is a danger to the public, there are steps that they can take to restrain her, but under no circumstances should jews be handing fellow jews over to non jews for punishment. did we not learn anything from history?
    2. all of the above is true even if the non jews intend to give the deported jew a fair trial. in the current media and legal climate (particularly in Australia) there is no way that she can receive a fair trial, so even if it was permitted under other circumstances, it wouldn't be in the current climate.
    Litzman is a hero for having the courage to do the right thing even though it is unpopular and was dangerous for him to do so, especially as she has no supporters and was in no position to ever return the favor.

    1. 1. it is for bidden for a jew to turn over a fellow jew to none jews in order for them to harm/punish the jew.

      That view is accepted by Charedim who like to protect their criminals. It is not a widely-held opinion amongst other Jews, including Charedim who prefer justice.

      since no one is claiming that the accused is currently a endangering anyone else

      She is being accused of molesting a girl she is currently (I assume that is "was" now) tutoring, so she is still clearly a danger to others.

      Litzman is a hero for having the courage to do the right thing even though it is unpopular and was dangerous for him to do so

      If Litzman told people to lie, he broke the law, and should be jailed or fined for it. He's as much a hero as Arafat was.

      You seem to be a pretty despicable person. I hope I don't actually know you.

    2. it is correct that there is a self-serving haredi [mainly hassidic] use of laws of moiser. of course , they have the advantage of use of vigilantism to right the wrongs if it happens to them. There is also a blind-eye of haredim to shtupping minors of either sex . [haimishe peopel don't talk of sordid matters, therefore they don't exist ]

  2. it is interesting that both of the above responses to the original anonymous comment above assume that only charedim would be concerned about an explicit prohibition from the shulchan oruch. apparently they think non charedi jews ignore the shulchan oruch. i think that they are largely incorrect, but it is interesting that they have such a low opinion of the religious commitment of non charedim.
    in addition they ignore his point about not handing over jews to their oppressors (even if they are guilty), being a zionist value independent of the religious prohibition. apparently they don't think much of zionists either.
