Jun 17, 2019

Gafni upset about Yankelevitch visit to seminary she studied in

MK Omer Yankelevitch (Kachol Lavan) went to pay a visit to a seminary called "Sharansky's Seminar". Yankelevitch is an alumnus of this school and in her role as MK has helped the school with something procedural and has promised to work on getting them recognition for one of the courses they offer that is currently no accredited.

As part of the ceremony with Yankelevitch, the school administration gave her a copy of her teacher's certificate she had qualified for as a student years earlier.

The visit upset MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ). In Gafni's opinion, only official Haredi MKs with the official stamp of approval are allowed to visit Haredi schools and perform publicity stunts with the Haredi schools in the backdrop.

Gafni sent a letter to the school administration expressing his shock at hearing that an MK from a secular party , whose goal is to hurt everything holy and valuable to the Jewish nation, visited, and was received with great honor by the school administration. Shameful, Gafni says. Also, Rav Sharansky zt"l would never have allowed such a thing.

It seems that Gafni is worried that despite the campaigns and the using Rav Chaim Kanievsky and other gedolim to ensure that everyone in the Haredi community votes only UTJ, still perhaps someone in the school might appreciate MK Yankelevitch's help, help that was not offered by the UTJ MKs, and get confused by her Haredi appearance and by calling herself Haredi and think Kachol Lavan is not so bad and is even a somewhat Haredi party and might vote for them, God forbid!

By the way, a simple search about the Sharansky school brings up a notice about a visit 3 years ago aid by then Minister of Education Naftali Bennett to the Sharansky school. With pictures. There was no mention of any protest from Gafni at the time. I guess nobody would confuse Bennett as Haredi and think he can be voted for.

sources; Behadrei and Kikar and Charedim.org

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  1. Gafni can go suck insert derogatory item here. Why is it Charedi MKs are so good at showing Charedim in the worst possible light?

  2. Avi, So so nice of you... You're going to have so much fun over the next 3 months showing the world all your chareidi hatred.

    Rafi, I think this comment is good enough reason to ban Avi.

    1. Do you think Charedi MKs, several of which have been jailed for corruption or other crimes, show Charedim in a positive light? Perhaps you irrationally believe that any negative comment about Charedim is an expression of hatred? Of course, you think I hate Charedim, which is already a demonstration of your irrationality.

    2. Dude, he was criticizing charedi *knesset members*. This isn't difficult.

  3. even if I wanted to I have no idea how to do so. Still, Avi, keep it decent.

  4. In Gafni's opinion, only official Haredi MKs with the official stamp of approval are allowed to visit Haredi schools and perform publicity stunts with the Haredi schools in the backdrop.

    Except that is not what his letter said. It said a religious school should not be honoring someone who is a member of a secular party that is looking to tear down any kedusha among the Jewish people. That is a very different kettle of fish than what you are trying to read into his mouth.

    Would he have made the same objection if, say, R. Ovadiah Yosef's daughter, had been hohored? I doubt it.

    1. Since when have Charedi parties been connected with Kedusha, such that they're professed concern is anything more than hypocrisy?

    2. I'm not a fan of Blue and White myself, but "tear down any kedusha" is a bit extreme here.

  5. Why is this written on the stationery of the finance committee,is there a veiled threat here?

  6. Why is this written on the stationery of the finance committee if it has nothing to do with that committee or with government policy? Does gov't have a policy towards whom the Beis Yaakov may invite?

    Aisde from the ethical impropriety, why is it not considered gneiva of public property (the stationery, envelope, and stamp) to use it for private purposes?

  7. They're angry that a graduate (she got a teacher's diploma) is OTD (she might very well be fully shomeret shabbat,etc, but belongs to the wrong party.)

    1. the next day the school issued a statement telling gafni off and saying this was a private event

  8. What is a charedi school need academic accreditation for a course or two?

    I thought college credit is forbidden in charedi bais yaakovs
