Nov 18, 2019

which is the kalla and which is the mother of the kalla?

mazel tov. Adele Shwekey is very cute in this picture, and Mrs Shwekey is very handsome..

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  1. As is Aviva Fischbein, above. This is so sad.

  2. This is what happens when you go to the extreme in the name of Tzniut -- you end up promoting homosexual relationships.

  3. Notice that there are only pictures of Gay couples (which is very progressive of them), but there are only nameless wives. They mention Mr and Mrs Zev Schwartz, Mr and Mrs Yaakov Shweky, Mr and Mrs Ynasan, and Mr and Mris Yona (who I can only assume is a Sfardi)

  4. 1. They're not gay, they're cross dressers. Worse?
    2. That's what happens when you go in public without a big hat.
    3. Be careful, that would be kol Isha.
    4. That's what happens when you listen to a sefardi (chalabi) chazzan.
    5. At least they follow NY Times convention -- congrats are only to the bride's side.

  5. According to the
    שולחן ערוך
    This won't be the cause of any of the sort
    As Jewish males are not suspect at all of such things
    That Is unless they are perverted to begin with..
    what seems to be the case with your ..
