Nov 17, 2019

yeshiva guys tossed from yeshiva for going to game

According to Behadrei, a group of 5 yeshiva guys from an unnamed yeshiva in Israel recently flew to Spain to go to a football (soccer) game between Barcelona and some other time.

As happens during a game in any sport, the camera pans the crowd. At one point during the game, the camera picked up the group of 5 yeshiva guys. To their dismay, the game was being watched by some people back home, other yeshiva boys who often watch the games in local kiosks, who recognized them. Word got back to the yeshiva and the 5 boys were tossed.

Needless to say, it is unlikely the boys at the game, spotted on camera, were behaving similarly to the way Rav Zeev Leff recently was caught on camera behaving at a game in Scotland, though I haven't seen video of the incident. Not that I think people are expected to go to games and bring a gemara with them - God knows how many Cubs, Bulls and Blackhawks (and yes, also White Sox) games I have gone to without a gemara in tow.

The main issue is pretty obvious. I won't comment on it. Yeshiva boys should be learning, not traveling to games, the army does not give them deferments so they can go to Spain and watch games, blah blah blah.

The funny thing is that they were snitched on and publicized by other guys who were breaking the rules and going out of yeshiva (granted, they did not go as far as Spain) to watch the game... That breaks some sort of bro code, actually any decent human code, in my book..

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