Mar 17, 2020

Facebook Status of the Day

I am a little torn about this. Not sure. What do you think? On the one hand, if it is still ok to go out for necessary things (eg to buy food, to help someone elderly who cant go out, etc), why should shul be considered less necessary?  On the other hand, we need to be vigilant and go the extra mile - avoiding danger, in halacha, requires stricter behavior than the possibility of transgression.

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  1. How many private 10 person minyanim are abiding by the 2 meters between people? Kriyas Hatorah?
    One can also ask, although it is not necessary if the answer above is that they don't, but how do these minyanim in general affect peoples perceived seriousness of the threat.

    1. fro the shuls I am familiar with, they are taking it seriously and people perceive it as well. for a shul to make multiple minyanim of 10 people rather than 1 or 2 big minyanim is significant and [most] people realize that. Shuls that arent careful, and there are plenty, probably add to the lackadaisical approach that is not uncommon. sadly,, right now there is a hassidishe wedding going on in bet shemesh between admor families with hundreds of guests and no following of any rules. the news just reported that people in the haredi community have called the police on them. So, on the one hand large groups of haredim are ignoring the rules with no care in the world thinking everything is ok, and on the other hand many haredim are taking it seriously and even reporting such incidents to the police.

  2. I called the Ministry of Health about an outdoor Minyan with a minimum of two meters between everyone. They said it was fine, but to be careful that there really is two meters between everyone. They also said only the Ba'al Koreh should touch the Sefer Torah - not the Oleh.

    1. interesting. hadnt heard about the touching torah thing. why should the baal koreh touch it, and if he can, why not others? persumably the guy doing hagba and the one doing glila will also need to touch it. maybe they should wear gloves
