May 24, 2020

Philippine Convert to be evicted from country

A woman and her son are going through a living hell.

The woman came to Israel from the Philippines and was working in the home of a religious family. She came 24 years ago and over time she came close to the Jewish religion via the families she worked for She learned all the halachos and about Judaism and after her son was born 10 years ago they converted to Judaism through the beis din of Rav Nissim Karelitz.

the problem began when Mom overstayed her visa, and then discovered that the beis din of Rav Nissim Karelitz was not officially recognized for conversions.. Israel wanted to ship her out and somehow she appealed and even though it was rejected, she and her son have stayed in Israel. Since then the beis din of Rav Karelitz was granted official recognition, and when she tried to appeal again, she met with other technicalities in her way.
source: Behadrei and others

I trust that in the end a way will be found. If necessary the Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri will step in at the last minute and resolve the issue.

While technicalities are in the way, this entire process is a violation of the prohibition of not afflicting the convert. With Aryeh Deri as Minister of the Interior for the past 4 years or so, it is unconscionable that this has not already been resolved, especially considering the fact that Rav Karelitz's beis din has since been granted official recognition.

Besides for that, even without the Jewish aspect, the child born and growing up here should be enough for serious consideration. He knows no other home besides Israel. I don't know if that alone is enough, but it should be at least deserving of more consideration than just tossing them out of the country without listening to them and seriously looking into the matter.

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