May 17, 2020

Quote of the Day

I too thought that there was too much panic in the preparations for the Corona crisis. Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the fears of the Director of the Health ministry.

  -- Housing Minister (and former Health Minister) Yaakov Litzman

whoa!! until now Litzman has taken credit for the quick extreme measures, such as shutting the borders early, stopping flights from China earlier, lockdowns around Israel and whatnot. Now that people are upset as we are seemingly coming out of it pretty quickly and people are wondering if the extreme measures were necessary, he is passing the buck to Netanyahu???

I would note, I have not and will not criticize any of the moves taken. Maybe we are able to come out of it quickly because of all those extreme measures, or maybe some of them were not necessary - I have no way to know and the decisions that were being made were difficult and being made by people with not enough information or experience. it was a bad situation, and I think most people understood that it took extreme measures.

All that is fine, but to take the credit when people were talking about what worked and now to pass the blame when people are questioning....

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1 comment:

  1. The early government response was responsible for saving hundreds or even thousands of lives. If Litzman wants to give the full credit to that to Netanyahu, that's very noble of him.
