May 20, 2020

which came first? the chicken or the egg...

Rav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin was given permission to open his yeshiva without the limitations of the "capsules" as it has been over the past couple of weeks.

Rav Sorotzkin gave a drasha in the yeshiva and said some very nice things to his talmidim about them being chosen to be first to open fully...

The interesting part is that Rav Sorotzkin said took the credit for the end of Corona by saying that as soon as his yeshiva opened, the pandemic finished.

That is like the question of which came first - the chicken or the egg? Did the yeshiva open because the pandemic was over or is the pandemic over because the yeshiva opened? Maybe it does not matter, and let each person think what he wants about it.

And, to be fair, the pandemic isnt quite over. People are still sick and dying from it, even in Israel, even if the numbers are going down. Hopefully it is really on the way out, but we don't really know for sure.

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