Aug 13, 2020

peace with UAE trumps peace with Palestinians

Good job to US President Donald Trump for brokering this deal of normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, in exchange for freezing of the sovereignty/annexation plan.

The question it raises in my mind is the annexation plan, the extension of sovereignty, was part of the peace plan proposed by President Trump for Israel and the Palestinians.

If annexation/sovereignty is now off the table because of peace with the United Arab Emirates, does that mean the Trump deal proposed for Israel and the Palestinians is now off the table? Will that peace deal be adjusted and re-proposed? Does it matter, since little was going to come of it anyway?

It seems that the decision was that peace now with the UAE trumps potential peace with the Palestinians at some point in the future... it makes sense - as they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

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  1. The Trump Deal of the Century was a comprehensive framework for Israel and the Palestinians to reach a final agreement. In order to give some incentive for the Palestinians to get on board, the Americans agreed that Israel could move forward on implementing some parts of the deal if the Palestinians refused to cooperate.

    The pro-annexation camp, decided that they were going to implement the parts that they liked and ignore the rest. That is when the White House started pushing back. They had worked for 3 years on the holy grail of peace treaties. They didn't do it because they wanted Israel to add a few extra dunam of land to the map.

    The way I see it, the UAE deal puts a stop to Israel unilaterally implementing the land annexation part of the Trump Peace Plan. They are permitted and even encouraged to use the Trump plan as a framework for negotiating a final settlement.

    1. hmmm... that would be why this deal with the UAE only freezes the annexation and doesnt stop it permanently. In the future of the Deal of the Century come back, the annexation would be possible according to the UAE as long as it is done in conjunction with a comprehensive arrangement rather than unilaterally. very good.

  2. "It seems that the decision was that peace now with the UAE trumps potential peace with the Palestinians at some point in the future... it makes sense - as they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

    Yes and no. The deal with the UAE puts pressure on the Palestinians. It gives the impression that the train is leaving the station -- the Arab world is going to accept Israel, with or without the Palis. So if they want something, they need to hurry up.

    Israel already has peace with Jordan and Egypt. Now the UAE. I bet Saudi Arabia is up next. The Palis' pressure points are fading.

    That at least is one way of looking at it.

    1. it seems the Americans just told the Palestinian newspaper Al Quds that Bahrain and Oman are up next and just about ready to sign deals with Israel. Many think Saudi Arabia is in line as well, as you said.

  3. The key will be to see if existing and planned building in Y&Sh continues as planned, or meets delays, overt or subtle. If not, then this was just cover for UAE to do something that they were going to do anyway. If so, the freeze will have teeth.

  4. When the NY Times and their ilk and the nations are delighted with this deal, figure it out: NOT GOOD!
