Oct 29, 2020

Agudath Israel denies move towards Zionism in WZO

Just the other day I commented on the situation in WZO, the World Zionist Organization, with the new "Degel Hatorah affiliated" Eretz Hakodesh faction joining WZO and the ruling coalition. I said that with Eretz Hakodesh being part of WZO, especially as part of the ruling coalition, they are now really a Zionist organization.

The truth is though that in the last year of elections Degel Hatorah already campaigned as a Zionist organization, in an attempt to draw in voters from the National Religious camp. So this isn't really new, but more of the same.

I guess the Agudah is feeling the heat. Agudath Israel of America released a statement denying any change in policy or approach. Here is [part of] what they said:

The Jewish people is a nation based on the belief in One Hashem and the Torah He gave us, and nothing else. By omitting this truth, the Jerusalem Program – and the Zionist ideology it embodies – attempt to redefine the essence of the Jewish people as a political entity similar to all other nations of the world. This redefinition goes against the essence of our emunah and mesorah.

Among the foundational principles upon which the Torah giants of the past century established the Agudas Yisroel movement was the firm rejection of the Zionist redefinition of Jewish peoplehood. Throughout its history Agudas Yisroel has remained faithful to that essential principle, and it will continue to do so. We therefore reiterate: Any suggestion that the ideology of Zionism is compatible with Chareidi Jewry’s fundamental beliefs has no basis and must be rejected.

Also without basis is the notion that a party identifying itself as representing Chareidi Jews has the authority to sign a coalition agreement within the World Zionist Congress together with other Jewish parties including non-Orthodox religious groups, as happened last week. Chareidi Jewry has long abided by the halachic ruling of the most revered Torah leaders of a generation ago that it is forbidden to join Jewish organizations whose purpose is to bring Orthodox Jewry together with non-Orthodox under one organizational umbrella. What happened last week at the World Zionist Congress transgresses the spirit of that ruling, and represents a departure from accepted Chareidi norms. Whatever financial benefits may accrue to worthy institutions as a result of this coalition agreement, they do not justify the abandonment of principle.

At a time when there is so much confusion in our Jewish world, it is essential that we Chareidim remind ourselves that we stand for principle – and that we cannot stand silently by when fundamental values are distorted.

So, in the lead up to the WZO elections it was ok for Agudah rabbis, with a few exceptions (notably Rav Ahron Feldman among others), to encourage people to register and vote for the frum party, and the Agudah remained silent as an organization, but now after the fact, now that they have their hand on the faucet of funds (as we say in Israel - עם יד על השיבר), it is ok to criticize WZO and talk about how it isnt compatible with the frum community. Maybe pull your people out if it is that bad. 

Obviously they want to deny, to continue denying, any turn towards any involvement in Zionism and the Zionist enterprise, as they always have, but actions speak louder than words. Even though with good PR, and the Agudah generally, I think, is pretty good at PR, they can make people think there has been no change and they reject it completely, the truth seems to be otherwise.

And I know, Agudah isnt Degel, and neither of them are Eretz Hakodesh, but they are all connected. the separation and only unofficial affiliation is there for plausible deniability. 

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  1. I can say that for election I was told by my Rav who is also a talmid of my Rosh yeshiva that is a member of the moetzes in America that we should not vote. (Not Rabbi Feldman). I suspect other moetzes members were also relaying to their talmidim not to vote, but were not being public about it.

  2. And then the "postscript" was probably the result of other pressure.

    The Agudah, by the way, has no problem participating in, and boasting of participation in, organizations like the Claims Conference.

    "it is forbidden to join Jewish organizations whose purpose is to bring Orthodox Jewry together with non-Orthodox under one organizational umbrella"

    Well, Agudah has sent representatives to the Knesset since 1948, so that kind of settles that.
