Nov 30, 2020

Quote of the Day

The Ministry of Health is 100% disconnected form reality. When there were no more verified Corona patients, they made up some new measure called R and then began to go by that. It is not correct. Lockdowns have not helped in exterminating any virus anywhere in the world.

The Haredim acted properly band in this group they have created herd immunity for themselves. They are right getting their lives back to order. That is what the entire country should do, while protecting those with medical conditions.

  -- Dr Amir Shachar, head of Emergency Room of Laniado Hospital

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  1. If the public is still that naive and stupid to fall into the trap, then they are no better than robots. The world has billions of people and the wicked powers are much, much fewer. The public needs to get informed and know they're being brainwashed into purposeful fear. Yasher koach to those chareidim who are using their smarts and emunah only in H'.

  2. Didn't Sweden try that and failed?

    1. depends who you ask. some people still always refer to sweden as a success

  3. as far as I know, Australia had a long lockdown and has now had 0 new infections for a few weeks now since they recently opened up

    1. Trust me, you don't want to go down the draconian Australian path. Simply state terrorism.

  4. OK- just be clear that younger folks also die and you really haven't a system for protecting the at risk. So in essence your asking some folks to die for (a perceived) greater good

    1. Anyone that is afraid of Carona is welcome to stay home and cease contact with outsiders. Everyone else should be able to make adult choices.

    2. and if that is the government's policy it has a duty to provide support for those who it asks the sacrifice. Would you include a known carrier going out as an adult choice that should be left to the individual?

    3. Anonymous, I assume that anyone who makes an "Adult Choice" to put themselves at risk, can also take the "Adult Responsibility" to pay for their own medical care and for the medical care of other people that they infect.

      If people deliberately put themselves in a situation where they are more likely to be infracted with a disease which is not only life-threatening, but takes up valuable resources in the medical system, I hope that they are prepared to cover the cost should they get infected. And if they infect others with their reckless behaviour, they should be liable.

      If you are prepared to take responsibility for your own actions, than you should be free to take whatever actions you want. If you want the a government hospital to treat you (or your insurance company to cover the cost), you should either follow government instructions, or be prepared to pay higher insurance premiums.

  5. "That is what the entire country should do, while protecting those with medical conditions."

    What percentage of the population needs to be protected? The advocates of herd immunity never answer this question.
    How are these people to be protected? The advocates of herd immunity never answer this question.
    Is there any place in the world that has actually achieved herd immunity? The advocates of herd immunity never answer this question.
    The latest stats indicate that some 40% of charedim have anti-bodies. Is that enough for long term herd immunity? Not likely- unless the 40% is not evenly distributed at all & thus there would be charedi areas that have achieved herd immunity & some that are from achieving it. Have the charedim managed to protect their at-risk population? The advocates of herd immunity never answer this question.
