Dec 27, 2020

3rd lockdown like the 1st or 2nd

So we in Israel are now in our third lockdown of the year due to the fats spread of CoronaVirus.

The big question is if this third lockdown will be more similar to the first, the second or if it will have an identity of its own.

The first lockdown was for Pesach and some time after. That was a serious, very tight lockdown. No in or out. The rules were very strict and everything was enforced. People pretty much followed the rules.

The second lockdown was more of a mockdown than a lockdown.  It was late summer, locking us down for the holidays (Rosh Hashana through Sukkot and then some). The rules were confusing, contradictory and nonsensical, often influenced by lobby groups. There was little enforcement. People were already tired and had had enough of Corona and crazy rules that generally made little sense. Adherence to the rules was generally minimal, and enforcement was a joke.

Will this lockdown be strict or loose? People see the vaccines and think it is already just about over, so rules are being ignored. Schools are being left open. People can take kids to and from school, people can go out for essential needs (food, hardware stores, car repairs and a bunch of other exceptions) and in general be out up to 1km from their homes. It definitely will not feel much like a lockdown. We don't know yet what enforcement will be like. Will it be like the first or second?

In the first lockdown I did my daily exercise of running in my parking lot doing tens of loops of 35 or so meters. In the second lockdown running and some other exercises outdoors were not limited so I was able to run on the roads as usual as far as I wanted, limited only by my physical abilities. The rules for the new lockdown in this regard, and in most regards, are more like the second. the question will be more in the enforcement side of it. 

We wait and see.

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