Dec 30, 2020

Pollard and Politics

Jonathan Pollard committed the crime and paid his time. He should be left to live his life out, how he wants, preferably in private.

There is talk now that Pollard, having just arrived in Israel, might be recruited to run for Knesset under either the Likud or Yamina party lists.

Pollard is so popular and thought of as a hero in some crowds that he could be thought of as an attractive draw for voters. It might even bring the party that snags him a few votes.

Whether he joins a party or not remains to be seen, but right now those are the rumors swirling.

As I said, he paid the time for his crime, he should be left alone. He lives in a free country. If he wants to join politics, that is his prerogative. I personally think it would be a lousy idea. I would dislike any party that puts him on their list for Knesset.

Jonathan Pollard was a spy against his employer, his own country. He spied for Israel, sure, but a spy nonetheless. He might have also sold information to other countries as well. I think putting him in government would be a bad idea. I am not sure if once a spy always a spy, but I am also not sure I would trust him with sensitive information and public policy. I have nothing against him personally, but I dont think someone like that with his history should be involved in governance, privy to sensitive information.

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