Apr 27, 2021

Saving Vilna (video)

someone sent this to me for posting. I do not know the details beyond what is presented here, in addition to what the person sent to me, which will be posted under the clip...

Truthfully, these countries have so much empty land, I never understand why they have to build these things over cemeteries rather than in some other patch of land that is actually not in use....

The Lithuanian government is on the verge of destroying a Jewish cemetery in Vilna, Lithuania.

A shocking act of Antisemitism is about to be played out.  A state-owned Lithuanian bank wishes to build a conference center on a Jewish Holy Site, a cemetery with over 50,000 graves in Vilnius, Lithuania. This is the site on which the Vilna Gaon was initially buried together with thousands of legendary Torah scholars. You can watch a short video to see the tragedy which is unfolding, at this link: https://youtu.be/N9Dp0Q2uOk8

There is much you can do to help prevent this.

1) Schedule a Zoom call with with to us to find out more information, at https://pw06p.youcanbook.me
2) Sign the petition at: https://savevilna.org/petition
3) Write a one-line communication objecting to the proposed "Vilnius Congress Centre" addressed to the below listed politicians who are part of the desecration. 
a) The Prime Minister of the Lithuania

Honorable Ingrida Šimonytė


b) Minister of Culture

Honorable Simonas Kairys


c) Mayor of Vilnius 

Honorable Remigijus Šimašius


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1 comment:

  1. This clip is over a year old.
    Not sure why it's being brought up now, and what the current status is.
