Jul 15, 2021

Feisty Opposition

While it seems the current government is no less dysfunctional than any of the transition governments, and the last government that collapsed, of the past two, plus, years, the Opposition is actually impressive.

We in Israel have not had an Opposition like this in a long time - an Opposition that is loud, that is determined, that fights and that works hard to oppose the government and to take it down. We'll see if they succeed or not in bringing the government down, if the government doesn't bring itself down first with its own craziness, but in the meantime they are truly a fighting Opposition and we have not seen that in a long time.

I don't know how long the government will last, and who will take over and run the government next, but whatever happens I hope the Opposition of the future is feisty like the current one. Besides for keeping it chaotic and interesting, the Opposition is meant to challenge the government and fight it. the quiet sleepy Oppositions of the past decade should really be a thing of the past.

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