Jul 28, 2021

Netanyahu's serology test for policy

This is an interesting tidbit. 

Benjamin Netanyahu, when he was Prime Minister, was the first person in Israel to get vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Over the past few days Netanyahu has been very prominent in talking about the need for a third vaccine shot. 

The news is reporting that recently while on vacation, Netanyahu had a serology test done and discovered that he had almost no antibodies left against CoronaVirus. Netanyahu realized, due to that test, that people's vaccines are losing their potency, especially the people who got vaccinated early on in January, and need the booster.

Netanyahu's discovery and conclusion are regardless of the variants, including the new Delta variant. According to what Netanyahu believes, people are losing their protection in general, and even if the vaccine would do a good job protecting form the new variant, it has mostly worn off by now and is not providing enough protection.

It might be a good conclusion. But. We don't know if Netanyahu did a serology test as a baseline 6 months ago or 3 months ago or whenever, so we don't know if he had previously and now doesn't or by how much they dropped. We have seen many people get tested even after being vaccinated and the tests show low antibodies. We also don't know (or at least I dont) the rate of deterioration of the antibodies. Netanyahu's test results might be specific to him - we just don't know. One person being tested is anecdotal. The Health Ministry should be doing testing on many people to see the patterns. 

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  1. got my 2 shotsJuly 29, 2021 5:26 PM

    don't you think that the ministry of health did test on more than only one person (bibi) before deciding if a 3rd shot is necessary?

    1. I would hope so. If they have, have they released the data and showed the public why it is necessary? Maybe I missed it, but I dont think so. They should release such info.
      That being said, this post was about Netanyahu's test prompting him to push a certain policy. it was not about the ministry of health. Being that the MoH just decided to give a 3rd shot to people over 60, I would guess they didnt just base it on Netanyahu's personal test, but they should release the info
