Jul 11, 2021

Raam propping up government says it will stop

MK Waleed Taha (RAAM) has announced that despite being part of the coalition, it will, for now, not vote on laws in line with the coalition nor will it participate in committee discussions. Taha says that Raam is giving the coalition much more than the coalition is giving it. Taha claims that promises made to Raam in coalition negotiations regarding land for housing construction have not been kept.

And here is the big problem with a government of 61, even forgetting the wide ranging of conflicting opinions held by the various members of this government that often will likely be in conflict with each other. Every individual MK is holding the government by the short hairs. 

And, more to the point, Taha is upset, seemingly in the name of RAAM, they they are propping up the government but not getting anything in return.

Well, maybe if they start voting along with the government they'll start getting the commitments made to them in exchange for their support kept. Last week a couple of laws important to the government fell because part of RAAM did not support and vote and favor of them. They cant vote against the government and then say we are propping it up and arent getting our due in exchange. Start propping it up and you will surely get your due. If it continues like this, it really wont last very long.

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  1. Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, is a sort of weird hybrid of Singapore and Sodom..
    Centuries of Jews did not dream of returning to Zion so that Jews should be world leaders in cybertech. Jews who were murdered in sanctification of G-d’s name did not pray for an Israel that would transform the world with its “exported television formats.” Even Herzl did not fantasize about a Jewish state that would be a “global leader in gay rights.”

  2. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/aa-per-raam-demand-govt-votes-to-move-bedouin-agency-to-welfare-ministry/

  3. Sounds like they are not as good at negotiating as the haredim. LOL.

    The only thing that seems to hold this government together is getting rid of Netanyahu. Otherwise its ideological makeup is as varied as a menu in a Chinese restaurant. Hard to see how it will be able to carry on for long.

    1. if Netanyahu would decide to retire form politics, the government would likely fall apart pretty quickly. as long as he stays head of the Likud/opposition, it gives this government life.

  4. their ideological Makeup is actually not as disparate
    with the exception of the Arabs And certain individual MPs

    for the sake of politics it's more "good cop bad cop


  5. The authors of these sort of blogs and many of those who have supported Bennett and his clones are eternal Peter Pan adolescent Generation X anglo-americans
