Aug 12, 2021

Amazon back to free shipping to Israel

In what is very exciting news for Israeli consumers, especially expats from Western countries, Amazon has renewed its free shipping to Israel promotion that was stopped by the outbreak of a global pandemic, Covid-19. With changes.

While the free shipping promotion was originally on any purchase above $49, it has now been nudged up to a minimum order of $65. That means the sweet spot for people in Israel is orders that fall anywhere between $65 and $75, to avoid shipping charges and customs charges added on. Israel allows customs free purchases from abroad as long as the value does not exceed $75. There is talk of this being changed or cancelled, but for now this is still the rule. Obviously you can order more, but then you'll have to add VAT plus possibly other import taxes depending on value and specific item.

Ynet is reporting that the new promotion does not [yet?] include all products, but more are to be added soon. It also might not apply to large items that are more costly to ship. I guess all that will be worked out over time.

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  1. Another rbs AmericanAugust 15, 2021 1:15 PM

    Tried to order, still charging me shipping. Suggestions? Thx

    1. as mentioned, the promotion does not include all products so you have to find that ones it applies to. I clicked on a few random items and some say " (FREE Shipping to Israel when you spend over $65.00 on eligible items)" in the price section

  2. Another rbs AmericanAugust 15, 2021 1:44 PM

