Aug 22, 2021

the disaster of Corona testing

I took a kid earlier to get tested for Corona at the open testing site. It was a good thing we got there early, as the online system broke down and that caused a backlog of testing as everyone had to fill out the forms again on paper. 

Because we got there early, it only took us 1 hour and 15 minutes until we finally got to the front of the line and got tested. The line was very long behind us when we left.

Technical glitches happen, and I won't complain about that. But they were very slow. And with the massive crowds of people wanting to get tested, with similar reports from cities all around Israel, they should have moved faster, and they should especially have opened more lines with more testing agents instead of just two rows of cars. If they want people to get tested, you can't make them wait in line for 2 hours or more. Find a way to make it more efficient.

PM Bennett sold himself as a better manager/administrator than Netanyahu, with his experience from the army and hi tech. As a CEO he would be fired if he ran his company like this. Take some of that great managerial experience you claim to have and do this better. 


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  1. Same place. Took us 2 hours and 20 minutes...

  2. Took me 15 minutes in NYC last Friday and they emailed the results in another 15 minutes. But, I paid $40.

    1. sounds like a rapid test. they are only starting to do those here now but they are only accepted officially for a few purposes, not for general use. they are being used now for kids or unvaxxed people to get into events - but they are only good for 24 hours (I think). they might be used for schools. the regular pcr test is good for 72 hours and is the generally accepted test here
