Nov 22, 2021

reversing the law

MK Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) related to the term limits bill being worked on. Netanyahu commented on how evil it is, how he has more support than the people passing it, how it is anti-democratic, etc... The interesting thing he said is that when we return to power we will abolish this law.

This is an interesting point to consider.

We all know they will try to abolish all the laws this current government has passed and will pass. Netanyahu's government with the Haredi parties did this very thing after Netanyahu's government with Lapid and Bennett fell apart. No problem. that si what governments do. they pass laws that they think are important and try to reverse laws passed by the previous government that they do not like.

What is interesting about this is that if this law passes, and presumably it will, even should the Likud return to power in the near future, if this government collapses and we go to elections and Likud can form a government, Netanyahu would not be able to be Prime Minister, because of this law (unless he is officially excepted from the law)

For Netanyahu to be Prime Minister again, the Likud would have "win" the next elections, whenever they might be, and form a government. That government would have to reverse the law. That government led by some other Likudnik would have to resign from leading the Likud and let Netanyahu take over the reigns. Probably via primaries, but the process is the same - a sitting PM head of Likud would have to be replaced for Netanyahu. 

Besides for this requiring some time to happen, and every additional year moves Netanyahu a little closer to not being electable just because of his age, if someone takes over the Likud in the interim (which would have to happen for Likud to return to power) that would be a major fight to replace him or her with Netanyahu. One of the things Likud has always been proud of is that it does not replace incumbents. It is a very difficult process. There have been very few heads of the Likud, and once someone else takes over the position, because of this law, it wont be quite so simple to switch back.

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