Jan 10, 2022

Proposed law: 911

911. 9-1-1. 

The emergency phone number, not the date of the Twin Towers being taken down by terrorists.

MKs Idit Silman (Yamina), Eitan Ginzberg (Kachol Lavan), Moshe Gafni (UTJ, and Ynon Azulai (Shas) have proposed a law (see, they sometimes can work together and cooperate for the greater good, even nowadays) that would unite all the hotline numbers of the various emergency services into one number. Like a 9-1-1 service - call one number and they dispatch the relevant emergency unit depending on the needs of the call.

According to Behadrei, MDA, Magen David Adom, was against this proposal. Ichud Hatzala blessed the initiative. Proponents of the law say this will improve the life saving response of the services as the information will be put out to responders quicker and more efficiently.

The law proposal passed its initial hurdle in the Ministerial Legislative Committee and will now be prepared for passage into law in the Knesset.

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1 comment:

  1. There was an old Simpsons cartoon, in which Homer Simpson, in a moment of panic, picks up the phone and blurts out, "Quick, what's the number for 9-1-1?"

    Wonder if that would translate into Hebrew.
