Mar 31, 2022

Jewish Matchmaking

Netflix has announced that it will be producing a show called Jewish Matchmaking.  The show will have young singles, I assume all Jewish, in the US and Israel, turn over their dating lives to a Jewish matchmaker, a shadchan/shadchanit. This is a spinoff of some sort of an Indian show called Indian Matchmaker.

No timeline has yet been announced. IMDB also has no information about it yet other than the show being in development.

source: TOI

We all just know that chances are super high that Judaism is not going to come out looking all rosy from this... but hopefully the top shadchan will help a few singles meet their mate and some good will come of it... and who knows? maybe it will become the solution to the shidduch crisis!

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1 comment:

  1. NotMonkeyBusinessApril 01, 2022 8:21 PM

    Your concerns are very valid. There are several possible cillulei Hashem
    a) matchmaker doesn't act properly (can be a wide spectrum of high crimes and misdemeanors not limited to giving incomplete or incorrect information; or giving bad advice; pressuring people to continue even though they are a terrible match but the shadchan wants to receive shadchanus money) b) boy doesn't act properly c) girl doesn't act properly.

    To minimize bad PR due to shadchan, we can fix this by using a cousin of Adam Monk, the famous stock-picking monkey. See that he outperformed the market as a whole and high percentages of professional stock pickers.

    My feeling is that the monkey will do a better job of matching singles than a quote-unquote professional shadchan, and even if the couple doesn't get married, they should be able to have a more positive dating experience.
