Mar 29, 2022

terror attack in Bnei Braq

There was just a shooting in Bnei Braq. While this has not yet been confirmed and declared final, it seems to be a terror attack (rather than criminal) and that is how some are reporting it. That would be the first terror attack in Bnei Braq in at least a very long time.

I am not a mystic, but coming shortly after the death of Rav Chaim Kanievsky one must wonder if he and his promises really did provide the city with protection from attacks of all sorts as many have said...

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  1. I was thinking the same.

    And it seems that Rav Gershon Edelstein is saying the same too.

  2. So basically what a Believing Jew would conclude could be that:
    1. God decided that RCK's time was up;
    2. God then sent a terrorist to Bnei Berak to prove a point.
    I am afraid that for the Believing Jew this must reflect rather poorly on God and his decisions.

  3. Why must you attribute to Believing Jews the worst possible conclusion?

    Can you possibly consider it as similar to right before the Flood, G-d waited to punish the people until Metushelah had died and Shiva was sat for him?

    1. So you're saying that we had it coming?

    2. Yes, in the same way all punishments are.

      See this recent post from a fellow blogger for a good explanation.
